Coconuts and Human Trafficking? They’re Surprisingly Connected
In August of this year, I highlighted Dignity Coconuts in the Business as Mission article titled Scarcity versus Abundance. The article focused on the goodness that can transpire when investments, not donations, are put to use to serve people in poor communities by building a business. Dignity’s impact plan for economic development is possible because of patient investment, described below:
A wonderful example of economic development is Dignity Coconuts, a missional business located in the formerly undeveloped seaside villages region in the Philippines. Dignity’s story illustrates the power of investments to foster development combined with bringing abundant blessing to the village inhabitants. The investors, many of whom are still waiting for a financial return on their investment, are able to partner with God in sowing seeds, doing good work, and experiencing a harvest of righteousness. They are willing to look beyond just financial returns and participate in the creation of additional and different types of wealth.
Economic development’s compounding effects
Dignity distributes its products to a worldwide market, but the economic impact isn’t the only outcome Dignity’s founders seek. The jobs they create in the community of its processing plant have a direct connection to reducing the trafficking and exploitation that often plague similar small-scale farmers in remote areas of developing nations.
Dignity’s impact recently drew the attention of a Minneapolis-St. Paul Fox News affiliate. Watch this three minute news feature and be encouraged by some good news!
If you are interested in learning about the power your investments can have to reduce human trafficking and other injustices that break God’s heart, talk to an advisor at our sister site Steward Advisors Group.