Steward Investors Throughout History… Humphrey Monmouth: JOYful Stewardship

I often pray that my children don't take having the Bible in our language for granted. Too often, we neglect it, letting it gather dust on shelves. I used to keep mine in my truck, only picking it up on Sundays. In my mid-20s, I was a casual Christian, believing but not truly engaging with God's word. Thankfully, I had godly mentors who showed me a different way, teaching me to see the Bible as a source of JOY, GUIDANCE, and HERITAGE. I hope to pass on this love for God's word to my children by modeling a life centered on it and teaching them its importance. 

Sadly, around 100 million people today still don't have the Bible in their own language. To put it in perspective, that's about eight times the population of my home state, Georgia. Let that reality sink in: millions will never experience the joy of reading God's word.


This should rattle us! It should bring us to our knees in lament while also leading us to a place of urgency and action.  

In the 16th century, there were people who were deeply troubled by the absence of God’s word in everyday language. We now benefit from their efforts, notably William Tyndale, known as the father of the English Bible. Tyndale translated the Bible into English from Greek, with support from Humphrey Monmouth, an English merchant. Monmouth funded Tyndale's work, provided him shelter, and helped to resource him with everything needed to translate the holy scriptures. Monmouth financed the printing of over 3000 Bibles and despite the risks of persecution, he joined together with other like-minded christian businessmen to put those bibles to good use. Monmouth's devotion to God led to his arrest and imprisonment for aiding the translation and smuggling of Bibles. Though Tyndale faced a harsher fate, being executed for his work, both he and Monmouth made significant spiritual contributions. Monmouth's commitment to advancing the Kingdom of God was evident in his use of his financial resources and business connections to spread the Word to those who lacked access to it.

In chapter 6 of The Steward Investor, Don Simmons challenges readers to consider what it looks like to have a JOYful portfolio, prioritizing Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself third.  This mindset is radically different from the “me first” culture that we live in today. 

But wouldn’t you agree that this JOYful mindset is biblical? After all… 

  • We are instructed to “SEEK FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33) 

  • We are instructed to “DO NOTHING from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Phiippians 2:3-4) 

Often we seek first the Kingdom of God and prioritize the good of others through our generous giving or acts of service, but what would it look like if we also prioritized these outcomes through our investments?  

There are valuable lessons we can learn from the examples of William Tyndale and Humphrey Monmouth.  Hopefully their examples will spur us on to greater appreciation and action as we consider the 100 million who are still waiting to hear the living and active word that is able to save their souls. (Heb. 4:12, James 1:21) 


Jesus, would you give us the courage to be JOYful stewards like Humphrey Monmouth partnering with Bible translators like William Tyndale as we faithfully steward all you have entrusted to us for the advancement of your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Help us to remember that faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.  God, forgive us when we prioritize other things and fail to seek first your Kingdom. Forgive us when we take for granted the amazing gift of having the Bible in our language.  Forgive us when we are apathetic to the 100 million who still have not heard the Bible in their language.  We want to be faithful stewards of all you have entrusted to us including financial resources and the treasure that is Your Word. 

For further study on the Gospel Patron Humphrey Monmouth consider John Rinehart’s “Gospel Patrons”.  

For further study on J.O.Y.ful Stewardship refer to chapter 6 of Don Simmons’ “The Steward Investor”.  

Interested to learn more? New Groups will be launching soon for The Steward Investor Master Class.  Pull up a chair and join a small group of faith-driven investors who are eager for Kingdom Impact through Generous Giving and Faith-Driven Investments.

Stephen Jackson

Stephen Jackson’s passion for gospel-centered, Kingdom formation has led him into numerous pastoral discipleship roles over the years. In 2019, the Lord shifted his focus toward kingdom investing and took him on a journey of surrender and learning as he traveled the globe engaging with faith-driven entrepreneurs in frontier markets. This journey significantly altered his personal investment strategy, activating his heart to support both like-minded investors looking to steward their investments for kingdom outcomes and the portfolio companies actively pursuing kingdom impact through their businesses. 

Now, Stephen is proud to serve as the Chief Impact Officer for The Steward Investor. Stephen is a servant of God, husband to Misty, and dad to Oakley, Oxley, and Olive.


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