Running Well and Finishing Well

What do you think is more important? How you start a race or how you finish it?

We are quickly approaching the 2024 Summer Olympics, and I’m getting excited to watch and cheer on the incredible athletes competing in Paris. In the world of athletics, “running well” and “finishing well” signify excellence, perseverance, and the fulfillment of one’s potential. If I were to ask an Olympic athlete what it takes to run well and finish well, I might hear comments around:

• Training & Preparation

• Goal Setting & Race Strategy

• Resilience & Rest

• Community & Coaching

Eric Liddell, the celebrated Olympic runner, exemplified this with his unwavering faith and determination. Known for his quote, “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure,” Liddell demonstrated how embracing one’s God-given talents with joy and purpose can lead to extraordinary achievements. 

Eric Liddell was born in the early 1900s in China, to Scottish missionary parents. As he grew, Liddell became known as an exceptional athlete, particularly in track and field. He represented Great Britain in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Despite being favored to win the 100 meters, Liddell refused to compete because the heats were held on a Sunday, honoring his Sabbath convictions. Instead, he competed in the 400 meters, a less-favored event for him, and won the gold medal, setting a new world record. He also won a bronze medal in the 200 meters. After the Olympics, Liddell returned to China to work as a missionary like his parents. He served as a teacher and missionary, dedicated to his faith and service despite the increasing dangers posed by the political situation in China.

During World War II, Liddell was interned by Japanese forces in a civilian internment camp in Weifang, China. Even in captivity, he continued to serve others, organizing activities, teaching, and offering hope. Liddell died in the internment camp on February 21, 1945, from a brain tumor, just months before the camp’s liberation. Eric Liddell is remembered not only for his athletic achievements but also for his deep Christian faith and commitment to serving others. His life story was popularized in the Oscar-winning film “Chariots of Fire,” which highlights his Olympic triumph and the moral and spiritual choices he made.

These principles that athletes like Eric Liddell lived by are equally vital in the realm of faith-driven investing and business leadership. I long to see Faith-Driven Leaders and Investors Run Well and Finish Well the race that is set before them! 

Here are a few quick, personal thoughts on what it takes to Run Well and Finish Well: 

Training & Preparation

When I started in Faith-Driven Investing, I had to admit, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” I needed guidance and training. Surrounding myself with experienced coaches like Don Simmons, Curt Laird, and many others was like receiving Olympic-level coaching. Studying through books and courses from Faith-Driven Investor, Eventide’s Center for Faith & Investing, Kingdom Advisors and The Ron Blue Institute continues to prepare my mind and soul to act as the Lord’s Oikonomos while also leading others to do the same.  

A well-structured training plan is crucial for athletes to achieve peak performance. For faith-driven investors and business leaders, a strategic approach to training, planning, and preparation is equally essential.

Goal Setting & Race Strategy

We’ve all seen videos from Patrick Lencioni and Michael Hyatt on the importance of Goal Setting. As followers of Jesus, it is essential to invite Him into this process. Prayerfully setting clear goals and developing comprehensive strategies to achieve them are key. A well-thought-out race strategy can lead to a strong finish. 

This means: 

  • Balancing short-term actions with long-term goals.

  • Understanding your strengths and vulnerabilities.

  • Knowing the course layout and competitive landscape. 

  • Being prepared to adapt to changes as needed. 

Resilience & Rest

Becoming resilient is crucial for business leaders. Embracing hard tasks, carrying burdens few understand, and making tough decisions are part of the journey. Learning to lead and live by faith helps us to navigate those challenges, and much like diverse cross-training strategies strengthens an athlete’s resilience, diverse investment strategies across public and private markets can enhance resilience and performance for Investors today. 

My good friend Nathan Lagrange, Executive Director of Oasis Rest International,  frequently reminds me to prioritize REST, reflecting the biblical principle of Sabbath. Rest is vital for preventing burnout. I’ve found Faith-Driven Investing to be about optimization rather than maximization. Maximization can easily lead to burnout and injury while optimization enhances the ability to run well over the long term.  

Eric Liddell famously refused to run in the 1924 Olympic heats held on a Sunday, adhering to his conviction to honor the Sabbath. This act of integrity inspired many and underscored the importance of staying true to one’s values. Faith-driven leaders should likewise prioritize integrity, holding fast to our convictions and values.

Community and Coaching

Training with others can significantly enhance an athlete’s performance. In the professional world, building a strong network of supportive peers, mentors, and advisors is invaluable. This community can provide guidance, accountability, and encouragement. As Christians, we are members of the Body of Christ who run best in a pack of like-minded brothers and sisters who can stir us up to love and good works. I’m encouraged by the growth we’ve seen across Faith-Driven Angel Networks and other supporting communities.  

Just as you need walking buddies on this journey, I would say you also need a coach! Maybe you’ve hired a personal trainer to kick your butt in the gym (my trainer is Bryan Holyfield💪).  Similarly it’s wise to find and hire a qualified guide who can lead you to traverse the journey of Faith-Driven Investing.  Someone knowledgeable and experienced who can set you up to run well and finish well.  

The principles that guide athletes to run well and finish well are deeply applicable to faith-driven leaders today. By incorporating Training & Preparation, Goal Setting & Race Strategy, Resilience & Rest, and Community & Coaching, one can navigate the complexities of the professional world with grace and purpose. 

Eric Liddell’s life serves as a powerful illustration of how embracing God-given talents with joy and conviction can lead to a legacy of excellence and faithfulness. As Liddell felt God’s pleasure in his running, so too can faith-driven leaders find divine fulfillment in their endeavors, running the race set before them with perseverance and finishing well.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” - Hebrews 12:1-2

Are you looking for GUIDANCE and COMMUNITY on this journey?  Consider joining a Faith-Driven Investor Foundation Group or The Steward Investor Masterclass.  New Groups launch frequently.  Add your voice to the conversation and get to know other investors in the community. 

Stephen Jackson

Stephen Jackson’s passion for gospel-centered, Kingdom formation has led him into numerous pastoral discipleship roles over the years. In 2019, the Lord shifted his focus toward kingdom investing and took him on a journey of surrender and learning as he traveled the globe engaging with faith-driven entrepreneurs in frontier markets. This journey significantly altered his personal investment strategy, activating his heart to support both like-minded investors looking to steward their investments for kingdom outcomes and the portfolio companies actively pursuing kingdom impact through their businesses. 

Now, Stephen is proud to serve as the Chief Impact Officer for The Steward Investor. Stephen is a servant of God, husband to Misty, and dad to Oakley, Oxley, and Olive.


Faith-Driven Leaders Fighting for Freedom


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