The Journey of Faith-Driven Investing

An introspective look at the moments and milestones that many faith-driven investors have experienced as they align their finances with their faith.  

In today’s financial world, a growing number of investors are seeking to align their portfolios with their faith and biblical values. This journey often involves a profound transformation in how they view and manage their investments. Here, I've outlined the eight steps that several faith-driven investors have experienced as they align their investments with their beliefs. This is not a comprehensive list, nor are each of these steps experienced on every investor's journey. 

Maybe you have experienced some of these moments and milestones yourself? I know I have!  

Step One: Realization

This journey often begins with a critical realization: the system is broken! As investors, we come to see that the financial culture we operate in is deeply influenced by the spirit of mammon, as described by Jesus in Matthew 6. The water that we are swimming in is polluted.  This cultural pollution encourages accumulation and hoarding of wealth, praising those with the most possessions and the biggest barns (Luke 12). We are conditioned to think and act as if we are Bruce Wayne who owns everything when in reality we should be more like Alfred Pennyworth stewarding the resources that are owned by another.  

Upon examining this through the lens of Scripture, it becomes clear that such practices do not align with biblical teachings. Not only that, but sadly far too often, our investment dollars are inadvertently supporting companies and practices that compromise biblical values, working against the kingdom of God rather than advancing it. We give generously to support the Kingdom of God but what impact are we having on the world through the companies we invest in? In this place we come to the realization that the system is broken.

Step Two: Repentance

After recognizing the pollution, some navigate a season of repentance. This personal and introspective stage allows investors space to acknowledge their participation in the broken system. Despite their intentions to be good stewards, they realize that some of their financial choices have supported practices contrary to their faith. They realize that maybe there is more to being a good and faithful steward than just giving generously, but it also includes the creation and stewardship of wealth through business and investment.  

Repentance involves turning away from these choices and seeking God’s guidance to align investments with biblical principles. It’s important to remember here that repentance is a good thing!  As you feel and sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit towards confession and repentance don’t think that it is shameful or a bad thing… Remember, if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. However, if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9).  

Step Three: Revelation

I’ve heard it a several times from different voices: 

  • “There has to be a better way…”

  • “There has to be a way of investing that doesn’t compromise our biblical values, but holds fast to them… “

  • “There has to be a way of investing that doesn’t work contrary to the Kingdom of God, but aligns to it and advances it on Earth as it is in heaven.”  

During a time of revelation, investors come to the realization of a better way to manage their finances—one that honors God and furthers His kingdom. 

This step is about understanding that Investments should not be purely for personal gain but should be viewed as opportunities to support businesses and initiatives that align with God’s purposes. 

Step Four: Rethink and Reframe

Let’s go back to the drawing board!  The fourth step is to rethink and reframe the investment philosophy and practice, grounding it in a biblical foundation. This involves returning to Scripture and allowing God’s Word to guide every aspect of financial decision-making. Instead of adopting worldly practices or cultural norms like ESG investing and then adding a bit of Jesus on the side, this step calls for a foundational shift back to scripture first! 

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Faith-Driven Investors should build their strategies on biblical principles from the ground up, ensuring that their investments reflect God’s values and purposes. 

Step Five: Redeem and Reclaim

Hebrews 12:12-14

Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

Step five involves redeeming and reclaiming assets out of darkness and into light. What was lame is being healed as we strive for holiness in all we do.  This is where action becomes visible as investors start selling off their positions in companies that compromise biblical values—and begin purchasing securities using faith-driven frameworks. By actively rejecting evil, loving good, and establishing justice, they move from passive/ignorant investing (at times supporting darkness) toward active, intentional investing (seeking to advance the light). This step is about aligning financial practices with faith and biblical principles, making tangible changes in investment portfolios in both public and private markets.  I’ve seen a lot of Faith-Driven Investors get excited to experience this step and the freedom and joy they express ensures the results are worth the effort!  

Step Six: Revolution

It’s not about you - It’s about Jesus and His Kingdom! The sixth step is recognizing that this movement extends beyond individual efforts—it’s a revolution. Aligning investments with faith is not just about one family, one investment group, one firm, or one fund. It’s a collective movement of God’s people and His kingdom. This revolution invites believers to join a larger cause, uniting as a community of faith-driven investors and financial professionals committed to advancing God’s kingdom. This step highlights the power and impact of a united movement, encouraging widespread participation and collaboration.

Step Seven: Revival

Revival is a key part of the Revolution. 

  • Some experience JOY as they invest in faith-driven companies that want to change the world for the glory of God.

  • Some experience FREEDOM from trying to serve two masters: Mammon & Jesus. 

  • Some experience a PEACE that passes alI understanding which replaces their anxiety and fears. 

This JOY, FREEDOM, PEACE - it is REVIVING to the soul of believers as they find lasting purpose in investing resources for God’s glory and the good of neighbors, both near and far. This revival brings renewed enthusiasm and commitment to investment practices that are driven by faith and a desire to serve God’s kingdom through both generous giving and faith-driven investing.  

Step Eight: Rejoicing

The final step is rejoicing. As Proverbs says, “When the righteous prosper, the city REJOICES.” This step is the celebration that follows when investments align with biblical values and contribute to positive change. Seeing God’s kingdom advanced and communities prosper brings fulfillment and happiness to all involved. It’s a testament to the impact of faith-driven investing and a source of great joy for the faithful steward.  

As I reflect on my own journey in Faith-Driven Investing over the past several years it has been transformative to say the least.  I’m thankful for all the walking buddies and coaches along the way!

Truly, It is a privilege to walk alongside so many amazing men and women on this shared journey.  To hear your stories, and walk with you on this path is a gift! Thank you!   

If you are reading this and you are new to Faith-Driven Investing - Welcome to the Movement! This journey invites all believers to join a collective movement that brings light into the financial world, promoting justice, righteousness, and joy.

Stephen Jackson

Stephen Jackson’s passion for gospel-centered, Kingdom formation has led him into numerous pastoral discipleship roles over the years. In 2019, the Lord shifted his focus toward kingdom investing and took him on a journey of surrender and learning as he traveled the globe engaging with faith-driven entrepreneurs in frontier markets. This journey significantly altered his personal investment strategy, activating his heart to support both like-minded investors looking to steward their investments for kingdom outcomes and the portfolio companies actively pursuing kingdom impact through their businesses. 

Now, Stephen is proud to serve as the Chief Impact Officer for The Steward Investor. Stephen is a servant of God, husband to Misty, and dad to Oakley, Oxley, and Olive.


I Surrender All


Faith-Driven Leaders Fighting for Freedom