What if We Could Flip the Script?
I read a disproportionate amount of spy/hero novels.
It’s a familiar script.
Typically, a shadow group of international elites (think Spectre or The Collective) are plotting to topple world governments, destabilize the markets and throw the world into chaos.
These evil “entrepreneurs of enterprise” meet in secret locations to control the flow of guns, drugs, humans, energy and industry. Their wealth drives their shadow empire.
It’s a dark, underground endeavor. Fueled by money…all in the name of power.
What if we could flip the script?
I often wonder if there are men and women who operate in the opposite Spirit?
Business “Leaders of Light” who meet in secret rooms to utilize their wealth and influence for the Kingdom of God? Men and women who seek to expand ministry all over the globe through generous endeavors that extend hope into the world? Leaders who have given up control and seek to relinquish their lives for the One who gave His life for them? - The True Light which gives light to everyone, shining in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5,9)
These “Leaders of Light” could be the partners and patrons of hope-filled endeavors all over the globe. Innovation and enterprise could lead to sustainable abundance. Closed door meetings would lead to open doors for the gospel of Jesus Christ and generosity would exponentially expand the work of the Kingdom for generations to come.
That would be a beautiful story.
A truth stranger than fiction. And worth living into.