What Shall We Call It?

What Shall We Call It?

What shall we call it? Football or Handegg? 

The word ‘football’ has a different meaning to Americans versus the vast majority of people around the globe. Football is the biggest sport in the world, the one with a ball which you kick with your feet. Americans call it soccer. 

 American football is way smaller in terms of fans, and it uses hands to throw an egg-shaped ball. Thus, one may argue that a more appropriate name would be ‘handegg’. 

 There is not an absolute right or wrong regarding labels or nomenclature, but sometimes we must ask: what do you mean by that, what kind of football are you talking about? 

 The same applies to business and investing. There are many terms and labels in use, used in both in the secular arena and in Christian contexts to describe enterprises or investments that seek impact in addition to financial returns. There are 6000 languages in the world, and English is just one of them, albeit a significant one. So other terms are used in other languages. 

  • Social Enterprise 

  • Creative Capitalism 

  • Conscious Capitalism 

  • Corporate Social Responsibility 

  • Impact Investing 

  • Great Commission Companies 

  • Kingdom Businesses 

  • Business as Mission 

  • Faith Driven Entrepreneurs / Investors 

  • Missional Business  

None of these terms are self-explanatory. We need to ask: what do you mean by that? We recognize that there may be overlap at times, but we also need to acknowledge that they are not all the same. The term is of less importance, the underlying concepts are essential and make a difference. As Christians we need to ensure that we are guided by our Judeo-Christian tradition, and informed by Biblical values and themes.   

There is no value judgement in this quest, it is rather an honest pursuit to understand what is what. Labels are secondary. The content question is primary: What foundational concepts should underpin our investments and business practices?  

This is beyond a favorite Bible verse or passage. We need to distinguish between what’s in the Bible and what the Bible teaches. For example, the Bible says ‘there is no God’. But it prefaces it by saying ‘the fool says’. So, we need to dig deep into 3000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition and teaching, and identify key values, principles and narratives which have stood the test of time.

And it is not up to us to pick and choose, like from a restaurant menu. This implies, among other things, that we cannot have ‘Kingdom values’ without the King, or ‘Christian ethics’ without Christ.  

It also means including what many call the ‘Great Commission’ into our investment considerations: making Christ known among all peoples and nations. 

Back to the question ‘what do you mean by that’, as we speak about business and investment using the terms listed above. You may have a favorite one and others have theirs. That is of lesser importance. The essential issue is the content, the underpinning concepts. They must be identified and clarified, as well as continuously discussed as we apply them in investments and businesses, in different industries and countries. Application can never be a cookie cutter approach. 

Here's one summary trying to answer ‘what do you mean by that’: It is about… 

  • Profitable and sustainable businesses; 

  • Intentional about Kingdom of God purpose and impact on people and nations; 

  • Focused on holistic transformation and the multiple bottom lines of economic, social, environmental and spiritual outcomes; 

  • Concerned about the world’s poorest and least evangelized peoples. 

So, what shall we call it? Take your pick! But please be ready to answer: what do you mean by that?  

Mats Tunehag 

Mats Tunehag

Mats Tunehag is the Chairman of BAM Global, and he has worked in more than half the countries of the world. From his beginnings in Central Asia in the 1990’s he has developed numerous national, regional and global BAM networks and initiatives. He has served as an advisor to groups involved in business, investment, research and partnership development. He is the chief architect of the ‘Business as Mission Manifesto’ and the ‘Wealth Creation Manifesto’, which is a conceptual framework for the global BAM movement. See matstunehag.com/about/


Business Can Transform the World