The Steward Investor Masterclass

For Churches & Organizations

Bring The Steward Investor Masterclass
to your church or organization

Many quality resources are used for the financial discipleship of the Lord’s church regarding budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, and generous giving. THIS MASTERCLASS IS NOT THOSE RESOURCES!  This is a unique offering for the Church that encourages biblical stewardship as it applies to the vast majority of wealth currently sitting in our congregations each Sunday - the investment portfolio! Your congregation likely has been taught how to budget, save, get out of debt, and give generously… Let's equip them to invest in light of their faith!  

Christians in the USA currently steward TRILLIONS of dollars in their pre-tax investments alone. Most pastors and churches have never equipped their congregations with the biblical wisdom that followers of Jesus need to steward that wealth. A startling majority of church-going families don’t have a clue what companies they are investing in.  The Steward Investor book and Masterclass small group study are the financial discipleship tools your congregation needs to understand how their investment portfolios can and should align with biblical values and impact the world for the glory of God.

This course not only serves as a discipleship tool for your congregation on stewardship and investing, it also has direct implications for local and global mission strategies.

We offer group sessions for discounted rates and bulk orders for the book. For more information and to learn how other churches are benefiting from this course, contact us below.

God Owns Everything,
We Steward Everything,
Steward Everything for God.

Faith-Driven Businesses

Learn how Faith-Driven investments are changing lives.

God owns one hundred percent of the resources, assets, and investments that we control in our lifetime. They are not our own.


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